Monday, June 28, 2010

History of Cambodia's oppression

History of Cambodia’s oppression
It is paramount to know the recent history of oppression that Cambodia’s people lived through while under nearly 30 years of unstable government, periods of anarchy and times of unforgettable mass execution and inhumane slaughter. In 1969 the beginnings of a civil war and the development of the rebel resistant group the Khmer Rouge began to arise as Norodom Sihanouk was overthrown from his throne as Prime Minister of Cambodia. At this time there was a temporary alliance with the Khmer Rouge and the communist Viet Cong which resulted in US invading Cambodia and bombing the country killing 16,000 Khmer Rouge fighters while also causing a great number of peasants to join the Khmer Rouge. This bombing caused 2 million Cambodians to become refuges who then fled to Phnom Penh. In 1975 as a result of the war, large percentages of the rice fields and 75% of the nation’s farm animals were destroyed. This led to a great famine throughout the land where half of the nation’s people lived under conditions of slave labor and starvation rations for 2 to 3 years. Also in 1975 the Khmer Rouge took power of Phnom Penh, evacuating the entire city’s population into slave labor in rural areas developing execution camps. Over a million Cambodians, out of a total population of 8 million died from execution, overwork, starvation and disease. Khmer Rouge desired to destroy all minorities, educated, wealthy and anything related to religion, science and any Western influence. From 1978 onwards the civil war split 3 ways as Vietnam invaded Cambodia as retaliation to the Khmer Rouges attack on the Vietnam Cambodian border and to fight against the mass genocide. At this time Cambodia had violent opposition between the three rivaling parties fighting within its borders. All throughout the 1980s the Khmer Rouge maintained control of the nation and continually attacked any territory that was not under its domain. During the era of the Khmer Rouge 1/3rd to 1/5th of the nation’s population was killed. Also, because of the intensity of the Cold War, the USA and other nations put a complete embargo on Cambodia while simultaneously financially supporting the Khmer Rouge because the rouge was fighting against communist Vietnam . All of this compiled together made reconstruction of this nation virtually impossible and left the country deeply impoverished. In 1993 the rightful heir of the throne, Norodom Sihanouk regained control of the throne with the assistance of France. In 1997, there was a temporary period of resistance and anarchy but it soon subsided. To many people, this is a reminder that even though the government is currently under stable conditions it can easily be overtaken by power, coercion and the wrong leader in the right position.

Current standing of oppression

Starting sometime between the mid to late 90s corrupt people have realized that Cambodia is living under an oppressed, near anarchic state. Many foreigners from all over the world have realized that this nation fosters an environment of endless liberty without boundaries where any vice can be pursued without consequence. In the world wide pedophile community, the realization of a place without law developed which invited an unholy movement of wickedness. In time a mass gathering of perpetrators began flocking to Cambodia to have sex with children in extremely low age ranges. In recent years the overall situation in Cambodia for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children is dire: rather than decreasing it appears to be on the increase... there are numerous ‘push factors’ (such as widespread poverty, high unemployment, low levels of literacy, and few income earning opportunities for women) that make sale of children for labor and prostitution serious considerations for many families. These “push factors” coupled with a near-absent government involvement is keeping a majority of the population immobilized in their oppressed state.